1. Momondo.com
Momondo.com is often where I go for inspiration. They search nearly every airline, including budget airlines, to give you up-to-the-minute pricing for anywhere in the world. The best feature is that you can set your departure city to where ever you want, then in the destination field you can set to “Anywhere”. From there you put in dates or indicate that you’re flexible, and it will pull up a map of the world with prices listed for each city. If you don’t have your heart set on a specific location, this is an awesome and quick way to get an idea of which destinations are within your budget for that general time period.
2. Scott's Cheap Flights
This is one was a game changer for me. If you go to ScottsCheapFlights.com and sign up they will periodically send you awesome deals based on your preferences straight to your email address. There’s a free version that is terrific, but for $49/year you can use the premium version which will include mistake fares, rare finds, and just more deals in general. I currently use the free version, but since I can be pretty flexible with my travel, it sure would be nice to snag some of those mistake fares that come up every once in a while!
3. Google Flights
Google Flights couldn’t be easier to use. Just go to flights.google.com and let Google get to work. Just put in your departure city and the general part of the world where you’d like to visit, plug in some dates, and you’re all set. From there you can do all sorts of things. You can narrow your search by dates or by location. You can view a price grid to make sure you’ve selected the cheapest dates. Or, you can change up your search entirely. You can also set up price tracking for a specific trip you have in mind, and Google will send you notifications when the price goes up or down. I used this feature for over a year one time to track what time of year would offer me the cheapest prices!
However, as awesome as Google Flights is, there are some drawbacks. Unfortunately, Google doesn’t search a lot of budget airlines, so Southwest, Aeromexico, and other similar airlines won’t show up in your search. And then every so often it will actually show fares that aren’t actually available anymore. It’s a phenomenon known as “Ghosting”, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking and annoying when you think you’ve found the perfect fare. Thankfully that happens pretty rarely, and I still recommend Google Flights as a must use tool for finding great deals.
Hey Thank you so much for sharing these great tools for finding cheap flight tickets, travel is always cheaper but the travel tickets are costlier than actual travel, My husband keeps on traveling frequently for his business trips, that’s where this article may be useful for him to book tickets at a reasonable price.